Traditionally lodging a planning application in Ireland involves a lot of physical administration. This could mean printing of up to 10 copies of all planning drawings, reports and various supporting documents. On larger schemes, be it residential or commercial, it wouldn’t be unusual to have 25 to 30 drawings, all of which would have to be printed 5, 6 or maybe even 10 times (on conservation projects). The process involved in printing, folding, packaging, and delivering can be quite time consuming. Not to mention the environmental side of it!
Thankfully with the introduction of the National ePlanning system, 13 County Councils have so far changed their planning application process to an online system. To quote from Meath County Councils website....
E-planning aims to modernise the processing and administration of planning applications and will improve efficiency in the statutory planning process and deliver on the government strategy to move more public services online. Using the e-planning portal, customers will be able to submit their planning applications and lodge submissions on existing planning applications via the online platform. The new system will accommodate many benefits including readily available information, a reduction in the use of paper and ink and associated cost savings, quicker publishing and viewing of E- files and automated email notifications to applicants or third parties using the online service.
Louth County Council implemented the ePlanning system towards the end of 2022 and more recently Meath County Council have followed suit! We have already noticed a massive reduction in paper and ink usage in the office not to mentioned the increased efficiency. The system also has the added benefit of improved visual clarity for those who want to access or view new planning applications online.